DRUID 2020 - Coincidentally deleted my paper
Dear DRUID team, in the final minutes, I coincidentally deleted my abstract and thus, can not upload my updated paper. I attached you the PDF, which I intended to submit in the hope that you can help me and would proceed with paying the conference fee. Thank you for your help Sophie Quach ___________________________________________ Sophie Quach, MA Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation Researcher and Lecturer, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation WU - Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Vienna University of Economics and Business Welthandelsplatz 2, Building D5, 4. Floor 1020 Vienna, Austria [t] +43-1-31336-5971 [e] sophie.quach@wu.ac.at<mailto:sophie.quach@wu.ac.at> [li] https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophie-quach/ [w] http://www.wu.ac.at/entrep [cid:image001.png@01D58371.A3A41400] Join our<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ei-touchdown-tickets-76885072321?aff=emailfooter> E&I Touchdown<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ei-touchdown-tickets-76885072321?aff=emailfooter> Entrepreneurship & Innovation in 45 seconds
participants (1)
Quach, Tuong-Vi Sophie