HQ May edition is out!
A special report for our readers and much more No images? Click here https://meetingmediacompany.cmail20.com/t/i-e-xdjlikt-fuiyhdukt-m/ The Covid-19 pandemic crisis and the resulting lockdown caught us off guard and the effects were felt gigantically in our industry. Associations, agencies, bureaus, companies and other stakeholders continue to resist the pressure of the general shutdown and to reinvent new business flows and digital alternatives with ambitious returns. It was therefore inevitable to include in this May issue a very special chapter exclusively dedicated to this outbreak and its impact on the meetings industry. You can read exclusive interviews with various destination suppliers, the point of view of associations in their collective future and the financial consequences of the novel Coronavirus so far. On the bright side, we have a joint campaign in partnership with Interel on the 20 Women Who Advance Associations (page 40). Within our central topic of Sustainability, we talked to the International Emissions Trading Association (page 6) and Future Earth (page 28) on how to guide positive changes in the era of climate action, we welcomed the CEO of Cohesion Collective Rory Gluckman (page 44) to our pages with a fascinating article on how to manage talent in leadership spheres, and we went to visit wonderful places like Montréal, Zurich, New Zealand or Macao. Digital Magazine [https://www.flipsnack.com/8B6DFADEFB5/hq-94-sustainability/full-view.html] Print Magazine [http://www.meetingmediagroup.com/data/meetingmediagroup.com/upload/cms/attri...] MEETING MEDIA COMPANY Headquarters Magazine, the association magazine Commercial inquiries: Vivian Xu, vivian@meetingmediagroup.com Editorial enquiries: Emanuela Barbiroglio, emanuela@meetingmediagroup.com Manuel Fernandes, manuel@meetingmediagroup.com Share https://meetingmediacompany.cmail20.com/t/i-fb-xdjlikt-fuiyhdukt-c/ Tweet https://meetingmediacompany.cmail20.com/t/i-tw-xdjlikt-fuiyhdukt-q/ Share [https://meetingmediacompany.cmail20.com/t/i-li-xdjlikt-fuiyhdukt-n/] Forward https://meetingmediacompany.forwardtomyfriend.com/i-fuiyhdukt-4216CFCC-xdjli... Preferences https://meetingmediacompany.updatemyprofile.com/i-xdjlikt-4216CFCC-fuiyhdukt... | Unsubscribe https://meetingmediacompany.cmail20.com/t/i-u-xdjlikt-fuiyhdukt-z/
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Headquarters Magazine - The Association Magazine