(FBI) _ TO NAVIGATE CHALLENGES AND STOP SPREAD OF "COVID-19". i. Owner Allocation: UC7/147/SN. ii. Payee REF: HSBC/HTRS182/20. Greetings to you, the (FBI) trust you and your loved ones are keeping safe, taking all necessary precautions against (COVID_19) Pandemic. Due to climate and financial challenges as a course of ‘Coronavirus’ outbreak, a global Pandemic. The United States Jurisdiction with World Health Organisation (WHO) Director - General Mr. Tedros Adhanom, have disbursed to Fifty persons worldwide the Grant value sum of Fifty Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$5,500,000.00) To help navigate the challenge of this volatile time. Please safeguard the above details which are your vital remitting credentials and for more information, make provision of your phone contact and ID Card, an (FBI) Special Agent will guide you through the process. You can provide your number and ID card here or to "FBI" Remittance Department; Email TO/BCC: fbi.gov_feedback@tensi.org We’re working on making Grant disbursement free and unlimited. But at the moment payee (bank) need some support to pay wages to help them overcome their challenges too. Therefore, Grant Fund transmission token sum of One Hundred and Sixteen Dollars shall be endorse at 3rd final Process by grantee. Don't get back if you’re not ready to comply to be funded/assisted. Grantees are successfully receiving without stress. US. Jurisdiction have taken steps to respond and render aid for people allover the world to navigate the increasing financial/climate challenges of hunger and loneliness presented by COVID-19. Remittance Department expects your positive response, but if you do not express an interest and you prefer to live with 'Covid-19' challenges, please ignore this email and stay safe. Kindly, remember to respect all sanitary rules, obey all wellness and health tips to assist you stay safe. BEST, FBI Officer, Ms. Donna Gwen, FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (FBI) FBI- WhatsApp: +1 (202) 667-5008 xt. 301 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 WWW.FBI.GOV FBI Freedom of Information/Privacy Ac | Legal Notices | Legal Policies and Disclaimers | No FEAR Act FBI.gov is an official site of the U.S. government | U.S. Department of Justice CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email transmission and/or the attachments accompanying it may contain legally privileged and confidential information, and is intended only for the acknowledgement of the receiving individual or entity. If you are not the email address owner, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your compliance.
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FBI Feedback