Dear registrant for the DRUID23
We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon for DRUID23!
We can see that you have purchased the "Dinner Guest" option when you registered for the conference. Since the DRUID Dinner is INCLUDED in the regular registration fee, we want to double check with you whether you have purchased the "Dinner Guest" option because you plan to bring a non-registered guest to the dinner. If you have purchased the option by mistake, you will get a refund.
Please revert to us as soon as possible.
Best regards
Jeanette Hvarregaard
DRUID Secretary
Jeanette Hvarregaard
Senior secretary | Aalborg University Business School
T: (+45) 9940 8265 | | Web:
Aalborg University | Fibigerstræde 11, Lokale 142 | DK-9220 Aalborg Ø |
EAN: 5798000420663