FROM: THE DESK OF THE VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION/PRICE AWARD MADRID, SPAIN. Ref Nş: ESP/IT/KW/11052021 TICKET/BATCH: 53152 ATT:BENEFICIARY: RE: LOTERIA NACIONAL AWARD NOTIFICATION This is to inform you of the release of the LOTERIA NACIONAL/EUROMILLIONS/EL-GORDO LOTTERY PROMOTIONS PROGRAM held on the 9th February 2022. Your NAME and EMAIL IDENTITY/ADDRESS were pick and attached to ticket/Batch number 53152 with Reference number ESP/IT/KW/11052021 drew the lucky numbers 07-15-25-31-34/4-6, which consequently won the lottery in the 1st category. You have therefore been approved of a lump sum payment of €1.898.000.00. Your fund is now deposited with the BANK and insured in your name with insurance number: ESP/1900433/2021. All participant's email identity/addresses were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from (ONE MILLION) names and email identity/addresses from Asia, America, Africa, Europe, and the South Pacific, as part of our International promotion program. We hope your lucky name will draw a bigger cash prize in the subsequent programs ahead. To begin your lottery claims, contact MR. Jorge Gonzalez On THE FOREIGN SERVICE MANAGER of EXCEL SEGUROS, S.L. for the processing and remittance of your prize-winning money to a designated choice of yours. Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than 18th March, 2022. Any claim not made before this date will be returned to the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA as an unclaimed fund. And also be informed that 10% of your Winning belongs to EXCEL SEGUROS, S.L for acting on your behalf on receipt of this money. PAYMENT PROCESSING FORM….PLEASE FILL AND MAIL TO with a photocopy of your identity. SURNAME__________________________________________________________ NAME:_____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS IN FULL:__________________________________________________ TELEFON:__________________________________________________________ EMAIL______________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION_______________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH_____________________________________________________ REFERENCE Nş:____________________________________________________ BATCH Nş:_________________________________________________________ I WANT TO BE PAID BY BANK TRANSFER. BANKNAME:________________________________________________________ IBAN:_________________________BIC/SWIFT___________________________ CONGRATULATION ONCE AGAIN DR ANA MARIA LOPEZ VICE PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL PRIZE DEPARTMENT