Dear Madam/ Sir,

Hope all is well. I sent a paper "Policy learning in Iran technology and innovation policies (Case study of STI related policies of Iran development plans over the past two decades, 1995-2015)" for DRUID18 which got accepted by the conference. 
Then I couldn't take part in the conference and even I couldn't register in the conference. However, my paper is uploaded as to be presented and accessible through the link below:

Now I'm trying to publish a revised version of this paper. Today I was told by a journal, for which I sent my paper to, that it has been published before in DRUID and hence my paper could not not be accepted. Considering my situation, I'd like to request to either remove my paper from the DRUID website or at least provide me with a letter to acknowledge that it hasn't been published in DRUID.

Best Regards

Kiarash Fartash

Assistant Professor
Institute for Science and Technology Studies
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +982129905457; +98 9127297725