Dear colleagues,


I submitted two papers for this year’s conference. I may not be the only or the first person to report this, but I thought it might be useful event though these are rare events.


For both submissions, the system recorded the co-authors. They are in the system, but the portal does not include their names in the front page with the DRUID logo, abstracts etc… I know this has happened to a couple of other colleagues. It is NOT a major issue because the submissions went through and are in the system. It is just that they do not report all the authors’ names. I am sure there will be remedies along the way (maybe a simple patch to a bug) later on, if of course the papers are accepted.


I hope you are well, and to see you soon!


Best wishes,





Prof. Andrea Mina


Full Professor, Institute of Economics, and Pro-Rector for International Relations

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa)


Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School, and Senior Research Associate, Centre for Business Research

University of Cambridge (Cambridge UK)
