Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wanted to create an account with my mail address ( but the system states that an account with my mail address already exists. Yet, I am unable to log into the account. Also, I cannot reset the password since I did not receive a mail with instructions (also nothing in SPAM folder).

Could you please help me and either send me the reset mail again or send me the details of the existing account?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

Ann-Kathrin Herfeld

Ann-Kathrin Herfeld, MSc (WU), MIM (CEMS)

Research and Teaching Associate at the Institute for Strategic Management


WU - Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D5, 5th Floor

1020 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 31336 5597

