United States Department of Justice. FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (FBI) Motto: Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. Subject: Aid To Navigate Coronavirus "COVID-19" Challenges ! Calvary Greetings. Good day and may the good Lord of Heaven continually guide you and your household members from harms and challenges of Coronavirus COVID-19. The United States Department of Justice’s (USDJ) Federal Bureau of Investigation, hope this letter finds you, your family and colleagues in good health. The deadly coronavirus virus which started from Wuham in China., has find its way into all Continents, and is now almost over the World, and has called for alarm. With courtesy, the (WHO) Director - General Mr. Tedros Adhanom, had Declared the virus a World Emergency, as its increases from Pandemic - Coved-19. And spreading into Nations, it has negatively affected the Global growth of Economics, finance and Climates of Countries, thereby causing closure of Borders, creating Restrictions of International Travels through (Air/Sea/Land) both Exports of goods and service. Considering the negative impacts, effects with climate & finance challenges created by "Corona-Virus". The United States Jurisdiction of President Donald Trump Administration, with United Nations Secretary General - Antonio Guterres, on 24th March 2020, made a Payment Agreement to release all Sanctioned Funds & Payments worldwide, ordering and approving the immediate disbursement because Nations, entities and individuals need money to get kits, stay safe and fight against this invisible deadly virus. The Board of Trustees, also agreed to disburse funds to trustworthy persons who'll help us remit to co-beneficiaries in their Nations, to make disbursement swift. As a matter of fact, the total amount sum of (US$16,500,000.00) is now signed to your name for Telegraphic Transfer via HSBC Bank USA. N.A. Therefore, we need you to be aware and to also know that you and three (3) other families therein your Region are to share the (US$16.5 Million). They'll will be glad and grateful to get their funds through you. According sharing plan by the Board of Trustees, you will send/give the (3) co-beneficiaries sum of Four Million United States Dollars (US$4,000,000,00) each, and you have the sum of (US$,4,500,000.00). Y Five Hundred Thousand should be enough for your errands and expenses. Based on International Monetary Policy of (AML) Authorities, you will only be responsible for the Transmission/Transfer fee of (US$285.00) only. So we urge you for sake of humanity and philanthropist, to help get these funds into your Country as aid to fight against “COVID-19” now, at least 5% from each of you to your country government as aid to eradicate 'Corona-virus', wouldn't be a bad idea. Respectively, the management will need you to prepare to send the Bank Transmission Transfer charges for the sum of (US$285.00) at our next letter. If you are interested and set to achieve greater things this year, then reply positively with your details as listed below; Hence, our appointed FBI Special Agent will provide you with more information and directions on how to receive cash successfully; (i). Full Names; (ii). Active Telephone Numbers; (iii). Residential Address; (iv). Age; (v). Active Emails & Active ID Card; Spell out and send the above details here, your fiduciary FBI Special Agent will contact you. But be ready to settle your HSBC Bank Intermediary Service fee of $285.00 only and nothing more. Contact, if only you are factual; FBI - FeedBack Contact e-Mail Addresses; fbi-feedback.communications@f5.si feedback_enquires-fbi.gov@ex.ua fbi-agent_markruben@ssdmail.us NOTICE: keep safe the Funding credentials below; Allocation ID: FBDJ/7411/SN. Payee REF.: HSBC/HTRS1827/20. NOTE: We trust in you to disburse and share the funds amicably as directed. But the main reason behind this funding exercise, is for you to support your Country Economy from scrabbling into poverty, and prevent the spread of (Coronavirus) in your Country, Kindly inform others. You are only responsible for Transmission fee of $285 only, but if you can not afford to forfeit $285 to safe your Nation, yourself and families, then do not BOTHER to reply or contact back. In our bid, to make the world better place, we urge you to comply And let’s work together to navigate the challenges we’re faced today. Duly participate with relaxed mind as assurance covers you from FBI. The Fund Crediting process typically takes (2-3 work days) to reach you. We'll hold, in esteem your adherence before month end. We can’t wait to get the cash to you, as reality. We Wish your Nation and Families safety from 'COVID-19' as you help to navigate it challenges. Stay Safe, and prevent the spread. Respectfully, Contact FBI Headquarters FBI Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 (202) FBI-5008 FBI.gov Freedom of Information/Privacy Act | Legal Notices | Legal Policies and Disclaimers | No FEAR Act FBI.gov is an official site of the U.S. government | U.S. Department of Justice. | Note: At this time we do not have a national e-mail address for public questions or comments. Some of our local FBI offices, however, do have their own e-mail addresses.