Dear George
Thank you for your e-mail.
We have recreated your submission so that you can now upload the recent version of your paper. Click on the title of your
paper, under My Paper(s) and in the bottom you can upload the paper. The new upload will overwrite the previous version.
Best regards
Jeanette Hvarregaard
DRUID secretary
Fra: Druid <>
Pĺ vegne af Georgios Tsiachtsiras
Sendt: 17. august 2021 13:40
Emne: [Druid] Problem
Dear organizing committee of DRUID,
My name is Georgios Tsiachtsiras and I submitted the Paper ID: 5720 , Paper title: " Transportation Networks and the Rise of the Knowledge Economy in 19th Century France ".
I received the email that the paper was accepted for presentation. As I was trying to upload a more recent version of the paper, I accidentally deleted the paper. I do not know
how to fix this issue. Do you want me to send the recent version of the paper to you?
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Kind Regards,
Georgios Tsiachtsiras
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
Personal Webpage:
University of Barcelona (UB) - Faculty of Economics and Business - Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics - Regional
Quantitative Analysis Group (AQR)
Av. Diagonal 690, Tower IV, 3rd floor, office: 4301, 08034, Barcelona
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