Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you very much for accepting my paper (ID: 69728) with the title: " Welfare Effects of Platforms' Exclusivity Clauses " and for the great organizational effort you are making. I would be very happy to participate in the conference as a discussant and as a presenter. In your previous mail it was stated that my paper presentation should take place in a parallel paper session on June 12. I am organizing a guest lecture in the Research Seminar at the University of Tübingen on June 13. For me to catch the last plane, so that I can attend the event, I would need to leave the Druid conference no later than 4 pm. Would it be possible that I give my presentation in a parallel paper session 5 on June 12 in the morning? I am very sorry to cause any inconvenience. Best regards, Marit Holler, M.Sc. Chair of Economic Theory Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler University of Tübingen Mohlstr. 36 D-72074 Tübingen Room 302 Phone: +49 - (0) - 70 71 - 29 - 7 64 65 Chair Website <>