Dear Sir,

Kingkar DPF  Cleaning Machine using the unique technologies--water flushing and high pressure air purging alternate work.which can completely clean DPF,SCR,DOC and irregular exhaust pipe.Also Our machines incorporate many years of experience of companies and the highest quality parts and equipment:

1.Automatic control unit
2.State-of-the-art software
3.Automated water filling with levels
4.Cleaning and baking work at the same time.
5.Memory test results before and after cleaning,no need printing out.
6.5micron Durable filters
7.42CM universal cleaning panel
8.Adequate operating video instructions for the machine
9.Technical support 24/7
10.Ran Warranty 2 years.
11.Lifetime warranty on the construction (10 years)
Our machines are compact, and there are two models available that primarily differed as much as possible.
CONTACT us today and I will find out all the details.  Order, and I'll be one step ahead of the rest.

DPF Cleaning MACHINE service from Kingkar team,China,
MP: + 86 138 7592 9417