Good day

My names are Arwed Zobisch a confidant to the wife of a high net worth Ukrainian individual who has as a matter of urgency mandated me to immediately search for a trustworthy and reliable partner to accommodate and lodge their funds in the banking system in your country.

For all your troubles I propose 40% of the money to you. She would also like for you to help invest the funds in a profitable business in your country. She has also instructed me that she wants this to be done discretely and she would want to keep her and the family identification confidential. I will be acting as her eyes and ears during the course of this transaction.

I contacted you independently so that we can work together on this project worth millions of dollars and I believe with clearer explanations you will deem it fit to participate on this project. If we can be of one accord and act swiftly on this deal success is definitely guaranteed. I repose great confidence in you hence my approach to you and I hope you will not betray my confidence in you.

Please get back to me immediately via this email. I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith and I will discuss further details when I am sure of your willingness to do this business with me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soonest.

Best Regards

Arwed Zobisch