Hi druid.dk,


 I do digital marketing for similar companies, and would endeavour to share their success stories to you. I found your details from the internet and thought you might be interested in getting a new website designed.


I have prepared an extensive report for you, detailing some key issues that should be fixed for better online visibility of your website, druid.dk.

I would like to give you an idea how we can help you to achieve the success.


I have a large professional team who can fix all the issues at an affordable price. I am assuring that you will see a drastic change in your Google search ranking once these are fixed.


If this is something you are interested in then allow me to send you a proposal.


Looking forward to your reply.



Ken Lambert

Digital Strategy Consultant


PS: I am not spamming. I have studied your website, prepared an audit report and believe I can help with your business promotion. 
