Dear Mark, Now, it works well. I have already reviewed it. Best, Jose ________________________________ De: Mark Lorenzen <> Enviat el: dimecres, 22 de març de 2023 20:17 Per a: Jose García Quevedo <>; <> Tema: Sv: DRUID23: Papers ready for review Dear Jose Thanks for letting us know. Strange technical glitch! We will look into it, but many thanks for reviewing the other papers. It is a great help! All the best Mark Lorenzen Department of Strategy and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School Director, DRUID ________________________________ Fra: Druid <> på vegne af Jose García Quevedo <> Sendt: 22. marts 2023 15:06 Til: <> Emne: Re: [Druid] DRUID23: Papers ready for review Du får ikke ofte mails fra Få mere at vide om, hvorfor dette er vigtigt<> Dear Mark, For the paper assigned for my review: 70101 Institutional theory and circular economy business models: The case of the European Union and the role of consumption policies<>, the pdf linked does not correspond to this paper. It is entitled: "Acquisition Experience and the Winner’s Curse in Corporate Acquisitions" that it is not in my fields of research. I have already reviewed the other papers. Best, Jose ________________________________ De: DRUID23 <> Enviat el: dimarts, 7 de març de 2023 19:31 Per a: Jose García Quevedo <> Tema: DRUID23: Papers ready for review DRUID23 NOVA School of Business and Economics June 10-June 12, 2023 Email: Website: Dear Jose García-Quevedo, Time has now come to select the best papers for oral presentation at the upcoming DRUID23 conference among the total of 650 papers submitted before the deadline. Papers you recommend for the conference should be both NOVEL and of HIGH QUALITY (more about grading criteria after logon). You can find the Call for Papers for DRUID23 here: You can access the papers assigned to you by logging on here: All information provided in your self-declared profile has been used to identify papers that we believe fall within your broader area of competence and expertise. Please notify us immediately if you feel less than totally unbiased towards the assumed author(s) or content of a specific paper. We also kindly ask you inform us immediately if you notice or suspect - however slightly - any kind of plagiarism, data fabrication or other violations of academic ethics in the paper(s) you are asked to review. The review process is simple and easy in terms of effort and time required. No written report is requested. Please see the instructions upon logging on above. In order to keep our deadlines, we will need your recommendations to be submitted before April 1. Thanks once again for agreeing to review a maximum of ten papers for DRUID23. Your assistance is crucial for a successful conference and highly appreciated! Best wishes Mark Lorenzen Director, DRUID ---------------- For future reference please use the following email ID: 98680 Aquest missatge, i els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver, pot contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i s’adreça exclusivament a la persona o entitat destinatària. Si no consteu com a destinatari final o no teniu l’encàrrec de rebre’l, no esteu autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a revelar-ne el contingut. Si l’heu rebut per error, informeu-ne el remitent i elimineu del sistema tant el missatge com els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver. Este mensaje, y los ficheros adjuntos que pueda incluir, puede contener información confidencial o legalmente protegida y está exclusivamente dirigido a la persona o entidad destinataria. Si usted no consta como destinatario final ni es la persona encargada de recibirlo, no está autorizado a leerlo, retenerlo, modificarlo, distribuirlo o copiarlo, ni a revelar su contenido. Si lo ha recibido por error, informe de ello al remitente y elimine del sistema tanto el mensaje como los ficheros adjuntos que pueda contener. This email message and any attachments it carries may contain confidential or legally protected material and are intended solely for the individual or organization to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or the person responsible for processing it, then you are not authorized to read, save, modify, send, copy or disclose any part of it. If you have received the message by mistake, please inform the sender of this and eliminate the message and any attachments it carries from your account. Aquest missatge, i els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver, pot contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i s’adreça exclusivament a la persona o entitat destinatària. Si no consteu com a destinatari final o no teniu l’encàrrec de rebre’l, no esteu autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a revelar-ne el contingut. Si l’heu rebut per error, informeu-ne el remitent i elimineu del sistema tant el missatge com els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver. Este mensaje, y los ficheros adjuntos que pueda incluir, puede contener información confidencial o legalmente protegida y está exclusivamente dirigido a la persona o entidad destinataria. Si usted no consta como destinatario final ni es la persona encargada de recibirlo, no está autorizado a leerlo, retenerlo, modificarlo, distribuirlo o copiarlo, ni a revelar su contenido. Si lo ha recibido por error, informe de ello al remitente y elimine del sistema tanto el mensaje como los ficheros adjuntos que pueda contener. This email message and any attachments it carries may contain confidential or legally protected material and are intended solely for the individual or organization to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or the person responsible for processing it, then you are not authorized to read, save, modify, send, copy or disclose any part of it. If you have received the message by mistake, please inform the sender of this and eliminate the message and any attachments it carries from your account.