Dear all,

We are excited to announce the 2023 annual conference of the Competition Law and Economics European Network (CLEEN), jointly organized by MaCCI, the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224, and ZEW Mannheim.

Dates: May 25-26 2023
Place: Mannheim, at the ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (in person)

CLEEN is a joint effort of eight academic institutions in Europe. It has provided an interdisciplinary platform for researchers in the field of law and economics since its first research workshop in Bonn in 2007. Its member institutions organize an annual conference for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from economics and law to present their work on competition law, economics, and policy and receive feedback from senior faculty members. This year's conference program will also include a few presentations by CLEEN faculty members.

Tomaso Duso (TU Berlin, DIW Berlin, and German Monopolies Commission) and Michal Gal (University of Haifa, Faculty of Law) have accepted our invitations to deliver keynote lectures.
We invite PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to submit their papers related to competition law, economics, and policy. All submissions must be in PDF format and include the following information: an abstract of up to 200 words and the author’s full name and affiliation (including contact details). Please submit only full papers (early drafts are welcome, though).

Please submit your papers (as a PDF file) by 28 February 2023 to  Authors of accepted papers will be notified by 31 March 2023.

Hotel accommodation for presenters and discussants for up to 2 nights are covered by the organizers. Travel expenses are the responsibility of the participant and will not be reimbursed.

For more information and updates, please visit the conference website at

Please get in touch with the organizers, Bernhard Ganglmair, Helena Perrone, and Francisco Poggi, at with any questions or concerns.

Please share this announcement and the call for papers with your network.

MaCCI Office