Dear Sir or Madam,


Prof. Alexander Brem, my dissertation advisor, made me aware of the opportunity to become part of the team of reviewers for the 2020 DRUID SILVER ANNIVERSARY conference, to be held in Copenhagen, June 15-17. 


Herewith I would like to apply to serve as a reviewer voluntarily.


I am currently a PhD student working as a research assistant at the Chair of Technology Management at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. My studies lie in the field of idea management, which focuses on key aspects for managing ideas with an emphasis on technology-oriented companies concerning creativity and ideation.


I would be delighted and honoured to help DRUID to solidify the quality of research presented at our conferences while keeping it topical and relevant.


With kind regards,


Theresa Wöllner, M.Sc.

Research Assistant | Chair of Technology Management

Nuremberg Campus of Technology (NCT)

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

Dr.-Mack-Str. 81 | Technikum 1 | 90762 Fuerth | Germany | Tel. +49 911 65078 64880
