Dear Mark

Sorry but I didn't know that I had to assess papers for DRUID2023. If there is time I can do it between today and tomorrow, the problem is that I can't access to the portal.

I'm sorry for all the inconvenience caused by my delay.



El 4/1/2023 a las 9:48 AM, DRUID23 escribió:
NOVA School of Business and Economics
June 10-June 12, 2023

Dear Teresa Garcia-marco,

Please allow us to remind you of the April 1. deadline for the assessments of the papers you kindly accepted to conduct for DRUID23.

As always, DRUID strives to provide decisions without delays to all submitting authors, and your contribution is invaluable to keeping the process on track. Please logon to your reviewer profile (details and instructions in the original reviewer mail, copied below) and complete the assessments.

Thanks once again for agreeing to reviewing for DRUID23. Your assistance is crucial for a successful conference and highly appreciated!

Best wishes
Mark Lorenzen
Director, DRUID



NOVA School of Business and Economics
June 10-June 12, 2023

Dear Teresa Garcia-marco,

Time has now come to select the best papers for oral presentation at the upcoming DRUID23 conference among the total of 650 papers submitted before the deadline. Papers you recommend for the conference should be both NOVEL and of HIGH QUALITY (more about grading criteria after logon).

You can find the Call for Papers for DRUID23 here:

You can access the papers assigned to you by logging on here:

All information provided in your self-declared profile has been used to identify papers that we believe fall within your broader area of competence and expertise. Please notify us immediately if you feel less than totally unbiased towards the assumed author(s) or content of a specific paper. We also kindly ask you inform us immediately if you notice or suspect - however slightly - any kind of plagiarism, data fabrication or other violations of academic ethics in the paper(s) you are asked to review.

The review process is simple and easy in terms of effort and time required. No written report is requested. Please see the instructions upon logging on above. In order to keep our deadlines, we will need your recommendations to be submitted before April 1.

Thanks once again for agreeing to review a maximum of ten papers for DRUID23. Your assistance is crucial for a successful conference and highly appreciated!

Best wishes
Mark Lorenzen
Director, DRUID


For future reference please use the following email ID: 99334
Teresa García Marco, PhD.
Public University of Navarre
Campus Arrosadia s/n,Los Madroños Building, Of. D17, 
31006 Pamplona, Spain, +34 948 16 94 91