Dear Raviv

Perhaps unbeknownst to the US authorities, Denmark has had extremely low infection rates rates (less than a fifth of that of the USA) for more than a month, and the government has rolled all restrictions back. Consequently, the conference is proceeding as planned as an on-site conference.

I am afraid that due to the conference format with appointed discussants and discussion facilitators, we do not offer the option of remote/hybrid presentations. Please see the conference website under "Practical", where we explain how the conference works in the light of COVID-19.

With best wishes

Mark Lorenzen
Department of Strategy and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School
Director, DRUID

Fra: Druid <> på vegne af Murciano-Goroff, Raviv <>
Sendt: 23. september 2021 15:11
Til: <>
Emne: [Druid] Conference: hybrid option?
Dear Dr. Lorenzen,

Thank you for inviting me to present at the DRUID conference.

My university requires special approval from the deans office to travel to Denmark right now. This is complicated because the United States CDC still lists Denmark as a “high” risk location for covid.

Could you please tell me, is the DRUID conference still going forward with an in-person conference? 

If I am unable to secure approval from my university’s administrators to travel to Denmark, will the conference have an option for hybrid presentations?

Thank you,

Raviv Murciano-Goroff
Assistant Professor
Questrom School of Business, Strategy and Innovation Department
Boston University
(617) 353-4510