SincoTouch started P-cap with ITO GG/GFF since 2012, with AgNano GFF since 2015.
Partners: ELO, Panasonic, Inotouch, Nexio, KT, Mostron, CVTE, HiteVision etc.
Applications: Financial institutions、Telecommunications、Government agencies、Shopping center、Fashion goods flagship store etc.
Structure Sensor Sizes Tech C/B Accuracy Touch Pts Resistance Speed
GG ITO 10.1 - 43'' Etching EETI/Ilitek/Weida/AS 1-2mm 10-50Pts 60-80Ω/□ 10-30ms
GFF ITO 2.5 - 32'' Laser EETI/Ilitek/Weida/AS 1-2mm 10-50Pts 60-80Ω/□ 10-30ms
GFF AgNano 2.5 - 86'' Laser EETI/Ilitek/Weida/AS 1-2mm 10-50Pts 20-30Ω/□ 10-30ms
More details,pls contact us!
Shangmei Center, Shenzhen