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How to...get your delegates and sponsors to mingle!

Reframing both the delegate and the sponsor experience is crucial to developing good business partnerships. Here's how to do it...

German venue bosses expecting ‘incredibly intense’ year

Hamburg Messe and Congress has posted record revenues for the second year running, but persistent costs mean another annual loss.

University to help secure more conferences for Rimini

An agreement between Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) and University of Bologna aims to attract more conferences to Rimini.

12 ways meeting planners can harness the power of AI

Artificial intelligence will be the differentiator between typical and exceptional meetings, says technology expert Nick Borelli.

Association chief shares sobering forecast for Ukraine recovery

Kai Troll, a veteran of the philanthropic sector, acknowledges associations have limited role to play in rebuilding war-torn country.

Culture mantle leads to record number of international conferences

Estonia's second largest city, Tartu, is looking forward to welcoming thousands of conference delegates in year of culture.

Most associations using AI in event planning, report suggests

Almost two-thirds of association meeting planners are using artificial intelligence to help them organise events, according to a  survey.

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