
I humbly extend to you my highest compliments and hope by this (private) communication to inform you of our completed (€58M) syndicated Oil Facility. The balance value of (€28M) of this job have remained unsigned and unpaid for many years.

Now, we are seeking for an individual and/or company that can assist in collecting these reservoir-funds from our authority on our behalf.
Assuming you can comply with us, 20% will be allocated to you and our percentage will be used for property investment in your country with your kind guidance and supervision. We need to close this deal as quick as possible as the holidays are approaching and this deal will be of great benefits to you and your family at this time.

If you are interested in advancing deliberations, then I await your response.
Do not forget that this is classified.

Best wishes, 

Alexander Kovalev.

Project Implementation Authority (PIA) Ukraine.

-Executive Director & Board Secretary-