Dear Julia


We will refund you 100 EUR.

We have a bank holiday tomorrow so the account department will look into it next week.


Best regards

Jeanette Hvarregaard

DRUID Secretary


Fra: Druid <> PĂ„ vegne af Julia Mazzei
Sendt: 4. maj 2023 11:04
Til: _druid <>
Emne: [Druid] error in registration payment (email ID: 102268)


Dear organizers, 

I realized that I have made a mistake during the registration process and payment of the fee (see my receipt attached). I would like to delete the item "DRUID Dinner guest". Is it possible to receive the 100 euros back?

I am very sorry for the inconvenience and I thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Julia Mazzei

Post-doctoral researcher 

Institute of Economics

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

Piazza Martiri della LibertĂ , 33

56127 PISA (Italy)